At William Street Dental we make seeing a hygienist easier than ever by offering a direct access service. What this means is our hygienist can carry out a full scope of services, except tooth whitening, without you needing to see a dentist first.
The simplest and most effective way to maintain healthy teeth and gums is with regular visits to a dental hygienist to help keep them plaque free.
As plaque builds up over time your teeth will decay and your gums can become inflamed (called gingivitis). If this build up goes unchecked it will stain your enamel and cause unpleasant smells and bleeding of the gums.
Many of us believe we have good oral health but the fact is nearly 90% of all adults will experience gum disease at least once in their lifetime. And if you have expensive restorations such as veneers, fillings, crowns, implants or even dentures, regular dental hygienist appointments are essential.
Jordan qualified with First Class Honours in Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy in 2021. Dentistry has been a long passion of hers. In addition to carrying out Hygiene treatments, Jordan’s Therapy skills allow her to carry out all types of restorations for both Adult and Paediatric patients, including the placement of crowns and the extraction of paediatric dentition.
Find out more about Jordan hereGum disease causes bleeding gums, painful gums, bad breath, and loose teeth but it can be treated, stopped and even reversed if caught in its early stages. Jordan will treat and prevent gum disease and create a home oral hygiene programme to fight it at home.
Poor dental hygiene has been linked to several surprising diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and respiratory problems.
Heavy stains on your teeth caused by tea, coffee, tobacco, red wine or other dietary factors, cannot be removed by brushing alone. Jordan can remove these stains and restore your teeth to their natural whiteness.
Bad breath or Halitosis is usually caused by odours released by bacteria from under the gumline, where only a dental professional can clean.
During your hygiene appointment, Jordan will screen you for oral cancer and give advice on risk factors for oral cancer,which is highly curable if detected early.
Seeing blood when you spit after brushing is a sign of gum inflammation and an early indicator of gum disease. If caught early, it is usually completely reversible. Jordan will clean the hard deposits off your teeth and around your gums and show you how to prevent it from building up again in the future.
Gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss. In the late stages of gum disease, teeth can become loose, painful and acutely infected and sometimes fall out on their own if not removed by your dentist. Jordan’s number one mission is to treat and prevent gum disease and stop this from happening.
During your first appointment with Jordan she will take a full assessment of your teeth and gums to detect any disease or problem areas. She will then remove harmful plaque and bacteria with state of the art hand-held ultrasonic scalers before flossing and polishing your teeth.
Depending on your current gum health Jordan may ask you to schedule a follow up appointment.
Untreated gum disease creates strong acids that destroy the fibres attached to the teeth and cause ‘pockets’ which are extremely difficult to keep clean. This buildup of acids can then cause the following:
Bleeding, swollen, spongy painful gums
Loss of bone supporting the tooth
Foul taste in the mouth and bad breath
Gum shrinkage
Loose, moving teeth and/or ‘gappy’ splayed appearance of front teeth
Tooth loss
That depends on your oral health and the effectiveness of your current maintenance program. In short, everyone’s dental health is different, but regardless we’re sure Jordan would love it if you stopped by and said, ‘Hi!’